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/ Newsbytes - International…ews 1983 May to 1995 May / Newsbytes News Network - International Computing Industry News 1995 Edition (1983-1995) (Wayzata).ISO / mac / images / 940926C.pct (.png) < prev    next >
Macintosh Picture Format  |  1995-06-22  |  72KB  |  429x249  |  8-bit (100 colors)
Labels: clock | computer | computer system | crt screen | monitor | plant | road | sky | window
OCR: Great Plains Accounting Transaction Entry -AP1021 Jan 17. 1995 Joucher Horber tct Mo EXPENS Humber of Jrx Jendor Nunhpr E5450 i5ance Mame Jescr Twe Invo ict Humber 3891 DISTRIBUTED EXPENSE nvo C dat 01/17/95 Account/Code Tvpe Arount 1099 Invo ict aynent Project EMP5450 EXP Due Jate TPx Type Hotel T90 Amoun s250 00 Unit 0ty 2.00 Unit Nane Bvernite SCOUR Cheel Hunber Undistributed ant: $0.00 amount Paid $950 F Check Dat 01/17/95 inoun $0.00 lax Sched Dept Account ount Type Purchase Tax Schee 26 1099 Invoict Press [ESCAPE] restore original value Anount Hise Rnouni 106e